Sonam Kapoor once again stole the spotlight at Sabyasachi Mukherjee’s 25th-anniversary gala, wowing fans with her jaw-dropping all-black ensemble. The actress, known for her bold and glamorous fashion choices, turned heads in a stunning Sabyasachi 2024 couture outfit paired with Dior accessories. As expected, her dramatic look had everyone talking, and fans were quick to praise her fashion sense.
Sonam Kapoor’s Look is Full of Drama and Glamour
Styled by her sister, Rhea Kapoor, Sonam’s outfit was nothing short of extravagant. She wore a silk blouse, a fitted pencil skirt, and an attention-grabbing feathered coat, all from Sabyasachi’s 2024 couture collection. The outfit was designed to stand out with its mix of luxury, drama, and sophistication. Rhea shared Sonam’s photos on Instagram, celebrating Sabyasachi’s milestone with the caption, “Celebrating 25 years of @sabyasachiofficial By @farhanhussain In @sabyasachiofficial couture and @dior.”
Fans Are Obsessed with Sonam’s Look
Fans absolutely loved Sonam’s bold fashion statement. Social media was flooded with compliments, and her followers didn’t hold back. One user wrote, “Sonam, MOTHER OF FASHION,” while another called the look “insane.” Celebrities also praised her style, with celebrity stylist Sheefa J Gilani commenting, “This is insane.” The excitement from fans didn’t stop there, with many leaving comments like “You never miss” and “And that’s how it’s done.” It was clear from the reactions that Sonam’s dramatic and chic look was a total hit.
Breaking Down the Couture Look
Sonam’s silk blouse featured a plunging U-neckline and a relaxed fit, giving the outfit a casual yet elegant vibe. She tucked the blouse into a high-waisted pencil skirt, which was covered in sequins and gold buttons on the front. The skirt also had a thigh-high slit, adding a touch of sexy to the overall chic vibe. The body-hugging silhouette of the skirt enhanced Sonam’s figure, making the whole outfit even more striking.
The pièce de résistance of the look was the feather-adorned coat. It featured an oversized silhouette, full-length sleeves, and a knee-length hem that provided the perfect contrast to the more structured blouse and skirt. The coat was covered in sequins and detailed with feathers and fur, adding the perfect dramatic flair to the ensemble. The open front of the coat added to its relaxed, yet powerful look, ensuring Sonam stood out in any crowd.
Accessories to Match the Drama
As the brand ambassador for Dior, Sonam accessorized her outfit with a black Lady Dior bag, which was the perfect finishing touch to the couture look. She added a sparkling diamond choker necklace, statement rings, and gold heritage earrings for an extra dose of glamour. On her feet, Sonam wore black pumps that complemented the outfit beautifully. To complete the look, she opted for a chic, soft glam makeup style. Her hair was styled in loose waves with a center part, while her makeup featured darkened brows, smokey gold eyeshadow, thick lashes, blushed cheeks, and glossy pink lips.
Sonam Kapoor’s fashion game was on another level at Sabyasachi’s 25th anniversary gala. With her dramatic all-black look, she proved once again why she is considered one of the most stylish celebrities in the industry. From the couture outfit to the perfect accessories and flawless makeup, every detail of her ensemble was carefully curated to make a lasting impact. Fans couldn’t get enough of her glamorous appearance, and it’s safe to say that Sonam truly embodies the title of “Mother of Fashion.”