Sushmita Sen

Neither Sushmita Sen Nor Her Parents, Social Media Will Decide “The Suitable Boy”?

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If you had to choose between jasmine and rose, which one would you choose? Naturally, you’ll choose the flower that best appeals to you. Nobody may contest your decisions regarding the flower you choose or any other life choices you have to make. Similar to how each person’s choices in life are solely up to them. The deciding elements are your subjective opinion and attachment to it. This entire debate isn’t just an example; rather, it alludes to persistent, lewd rumors regarding Sushmita Sen’s choice of partner.

Before proceeding, let’s first provide you basic information on Sushmita Sen and Lalit Modi, her dating partner. 

Who is Lalit Modi? 

Lalit Modi, the former founder of the IPL, recently flaunted his relationship with Sushmita Sen on Instagram. Let’s enlighten you with a brief biography of Lalit Modi. He has a successful business. Nevertheless, Lalit has been listed as a fugitive since he fled from India 12 years ago. He is charged with money laundering and currently resides in the British capital city of London and leads an extravagant lifestyle. While speaking about his relation with Sushmita Lalit wrote- ‘Just back in london after a whirling global tour #maldives # sardinia with the families – not to mention my #better looking partner @sushmitasen47 – a new beginning, a new life finally. Over the moon. In love does not mean marriage YET. BUT ONE THAT BY GOD’S GRACE WILL HAPPEN. I JUST ANNOUNCED THAT WE ARE TOGETHER.’ (sic). 

The self-acclaimed jury

Users leapt on his post as soon as it surfaced on social media to mock Sushmita Sen for her choice of partner, Lalit Modi. People started labeling her as “Gold Digger”. Social media acted as a self-appointed jury and started passing judgment and spreading gossip about Susmita Sen. Now can anyone tell, who are these social media folks slamming Sushmita’s choice? She made the choice on her own terms, dependent on her life. Doesn’t she have the liberty just because she’s a public figure? Isn’t she mature enough to think what is right and what is wrong?  

What an abomination!!!

While, people lost sight of the fact that she is the lady who is still respected as a role model. She has never inquired about anyone’s private life or been embroiled in any sort of scandal. But today, she is surrounded by questions to defend her decision. Is this fair? Consider whether you would act differently if you encountered a circumstance like this. Might be, you won’t show up to request your preference, and you won’t exhibit the same guts that Sushmita Sen did. Having a conservative mindset while living in the 21st century! What an abomination!!! These were the same folks who had previously praised Sushmita Sen for her prior choices. Let’s just go over them.

Brought laurels to the nation 

Prior to her current status as one of Bollywood’s most desirable and successful performers, Sushmita Sen reigned as Miss India and was the first Miss Universe. In 1994, Sushmita Sen entered the competition without any reluctance, when a lot of contestants backed out, out of fear of losing to Aishwarya Rai, as she was one of the contenders. Aishwarya was then well famous for her ethereal beauty and was of course a tough competitor. Well, you never know what your capabilities are. Sushmita Sen made the decision to engage in battle, and as a result, she won both the Miss India and Miss Universe titles. She took the choice to continue competing. And it was her decision that brought honor to India on the international beauty stage. It is still regarded as one of the pinnacle moments in Indian history.

Single mother of two daughters

Sushmita made a conscious decision to adopt a little child when she was 24 years old, at the peak of her professional career. A further decision to adopt a second baby girl was made by her after ten years. She nurtured her two lovely daughters as if they had just sprung from her womb. It was Sushmita who took the decision, and it was warmly praised.Sushmita’s decision to adopt two girls while being single was applauded by the public. And we have already seen firsthand how superbly Sushmita nurtured her two daughters. So, her decision to become a single mother wasn’t forced upon her, and wasn’t that decision respected?

Wonderful relationship with 15 year younger Rohman Shawl

Sushmita previously had a love affair with Rohman Shawl, who is 15 years younger than her. This is another significant decision she made. Despite the age gap, people adored Sushmita and Rohman’s connection. After dating for three years, Sushmita and Rohman called it quits in 2018.The public experienced disbelief over it. However, it did not result in condemnation of Sushmita or Rohman. So, was it not Sushmita’s decision to date a guy who was 15 year younger than her, and was it not her decision to break up with him? They continue to be good friends, and Rohman recently supported Sushmita with the ongoing discussion. In an interview Rohman said- “Let’s be happy for them na. Love is beautiful. All I know is if she has chosen someone, he is worth it!”

Above importantly, summaries of Sushmita’s choices show that her judgment has always been valued. So why is she being referred to as a wealth digger when she has chosen Lalit Modi as her companion? Even if we consider Lalit Modi’s misdeeds, does Sushmita deserve this badgering? To sum up, we would reasonably claim that gossip mongers will never run out of topics. Haters will always criticize in order to stir up a commotion, whether it be about their life or the life of any celebrity.

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